Friday, 30 December 2016

Editing footage

So over the past week I have started to edit some of my footage, I think it is going really well and I am enjoying experimented with the different effects that I can create. Although I have a rough idea of how each shot should look and what effects are on each video I have also discovered whilst going through my video other effects that I have applied to my video. Although I haven't filmed all the footage yet I am placing the footage I have in the right place, so their are bits of the song that have gaps missing. So far I have edited a running shot with a close up on the footstep to emphasise the chase and the idea that she is running on foot. I have also slowed down a section of the footage so that the viewer can see the facial expressions the fear in the main protagonists face. Also by slowing it down it give time for the viewer to think about the situation and see all the small detail.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Audience Feedback #1

On Friday the 9th of December I showed an audience of age 17-18 year old my work so far. Although I hadn't edited a lot I want to get some feedback in order to work on to make my music video better. They watched the clip that I had edited and gave me some very positive feedback. Some of the comments made where "I like the black and white contrast, i think it's very effective and add to the dramatic atmosphere". This comment was from a female audience member age 18, furthermore I got some feedback from male audience members. Their feedback was "I think that the glitching sequence of the black and white and then the brightly colored footage is very effect, it helps add to the drama. I also really enjoyed the section where the footage slows down then speeds up again. I think this really shows the significance of time in your music video". I was really please with this feedback it really showed me that what I have done so far is good and I just have to carry on and finish it. I will show different audiences throughout the time I am editing to produce more feedback that I can act on and make my music video better.