Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Filming in the Main Hall and Risk Assessment

so today I manage to film some more footage for my music video. Today I filmed in the main hall, here I used the studio lights to create some more running footage. I have chosen this location because when filming the running sequence it makes you focus more on the main protagonist rather that the surrounding. another good reason for filming here is when you use the lights on the character it creates shadows and the shadows give the video more edge and a different dimension. Whilst I was filming I also took photos for my CD cover.

Risk Assessment

High/ Medium/ Low risk
How to get over it
Slippery surfaces could slip over whilst running
Make sure my actor has grippy shoes on and ensure that I the stage is clean and has no water on it.
The actor could run into objects around the stage
Ensure that the stage is cleared and do the filming in the middle of the stage so that the protagonist doesn’t run into the wings.
The cables in from the lights could get in the way and someone could trip over them.
Make sure that the wires are out of the way and make sure that all the people at the shooting are aware of where the cables are.

Give everyone at the shoot and tell them what the dangers are and how to make sure that no accidents happen.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Editing the first section of my music video.

For this first section of my music video I have used these edited still images to create a dramatic effect when the bells are chiming. I have placed the photos in the appropriate places for when the bells chime, I have used the faded into white transition for the white background 'BOY' this makes it look like a sort of heartbeat showing the fear. I used the fade into black transition for the 'RUN' photo. I think by using the words for the beginning really helps to emphasize the lyrics and what the song is about. I have also edited these so that you can see the main protagonist behind the letters. I think that this helps to establish show in the music video, the choice of colours that I have used is very important because the dark black shows their is danger and the white symbolizes light this could be light at the end of the tunnel or light that will help lead the way.