Thursday, 11 May 2017

Final Post

As we have come to the end of our media journey I have learnt a lot throughout the process of planning and making the products. I have really enjoyed making a music video for my A2 project, I have used all the key aspects that I learnt last year and used them this year to make a product that is better and I made it on my own which meant that I had complete control over the creative process. I am happy with the final outcome of my music video.
Thanks for reading my blog I hope you have enjoyed seeing my progression throughout the whole process.

Jess Awdas

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction, Research and Planning And Evaluation Stages?

From making my product to making my ancillaries I have used a wide range of different media technologies in order to help me plan my products, make my products and evaluate it all. Media technologies have really helped me to expand my knowledge and make them the best that they can be.

Research and Planning

The main media technologies that I used for this section of my product making was web 2.0 this is essential the internet and by using the internet it allowed me to get a better idea of what I wanted to create and allowed me to use and adapt other peoples ideas. I firstly started of using YouTube to find out more what student music videos and short films look like, this really helped me decide which video I wanted to create, I looked at various different video to give me an idea what I could do on a very low budget film. I thought that it would be better for me to make a music video because I was working on my own I thought that this way I wouldn’t have to sort out equipment for sound because it would just be the soundtrack and also this would be time consuming and I was working on my own. I then expanded my knowledge by looking at other music videos on YouTube to give me an idea of what I could use in my video. I deconstructed many different music videos like the Bastille Oblivion music video, which I used the idea of going again the conventions of a male singing and they used a female as the main protagonist, which is what I used for my video. I also used pinterest to generate costume ideas for what my main protagonist could wear.  I also made a pinterest page on shots that I could use throughout the video this helped me to start thinking about a storyboard and what shots I wanted to include. I then went on to making a animatic which is essentially a storyboard of photos but its put into a video so that it gives you a better idea of how it might look before going out and filming it. I thought this was very helpful for this task I used Premiere pro in order to make the video.

The making of the film.

In the making of the film I used my Canon 100D camera in order to shoot the film. i thought that this camera was really good for what I wanted it for it was easy to use and it was easy to transfer the footage onto the computer.
I did all of the editing of the music video on Premiere Pro this allowed me to have many different settings and effects that I could paly around with making my video better and more eye catching.  When editing the film I tried to use my animatic to help me edit but my ideas had changed a lot so I had that as a back up and just edited the way I thought it looked better.  Because Premiere Pro has many different effects it allowed me to make the drumming sequence more vibrant by changing the colour and saturation of some of the shots so that they contrasted each other really well. I also used Adobe encoder in order to export my video. This meant that I could show people my video throughout different stages of the filming and editing. This allowed me to get feedback from my target audience to make my video better and more tailored to my target audience. I uploaded my videos to YouTube so that I could embed it onto my blog and this also meant that they public could see my work and leave a comment.

For the evaluation process I used different media technologies to show what I had learnt throughout the process. I used sites such as Emaze, Prezi and wordle to show what I have learnt about the process and what convention I used and how I made my final products. I also used blogger to show the development process throughout the making of my products. I thought that by doing a blog alongside making my main product it meant that I could refer back to the posts making the evaluation question easier to write about. I think that by using different media technologies it has allowed me to be more creative and have more of an idea of what my product might look like when finished. I think that the key point was using Web 2.0 for researching the task and making the evaluation questions.